
Creating a Realistic Composite Photo with Displacement Mapping


Photographing a real helicopter rescue scene was out of the question on this assignment, so this photo was created over three days of shooting. The background scene is a sunrise over Artist Point at Mount Baker in Washington State (at about 5am). The original photo of the people was made back in the helicopter hanger. We used Photoshop to create the finished image. In this tutorial, I'll show you how I did the shadows and lighting enhancements to realistically place our team in the scene. We'll go over the displacement map feature and selective masking.

    • 11:55
    • 18,000 円

    Create a Paper Box Intro


    In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create an animation in After Effects using simple 2D shapes and export the animation to layers with an alpha channel to use in Cinema 4D as a texture. The texture will span across multiple Mograph clones in both space and time and you'll finish off the look by adding a paper texture and lighting.

      • 1:12:29
      • 21,000 円

      How to Make an Awesome Electric Shock Effect


      Today we're going to learn how to make a cool electrocution effect that follows the contours of the body of the person that's being electrocuted. I'll also talk about making lighting look more realistic verses just using Advanced Lighting on it's default setting.

        • 27:04
        • 18,500 円

        Pacific Rim


        After more than a hundred blockbuster titles, the Tuts+ Hollywood Movie Title Series comes to a close with the creation of the Pacific Rim V2 title animation. You'll begin in After Effects and examine the particular coloring technique used to render the video's 3D logo, and then jump into Cinema 4D to model and animate the falcon emblem. From there it's back to After Effects where you'll look at splitting the lens-flares and adding additional smoke particles to the footage. The actual Pacific Rim V2 title example is being used for training purposes only and is not to be used in a personal project, without permission from the original creators.

          • 24:42
          • 19,000 円

          Shooting Portraiture at Night: A Practical Tale


          I love night shooting and night photography. I think it's the ambience that comes from a dark blue environment dotted with yellow-orange lighting. It's like a natural cyan-orange split tone on the world, every night. All the lights, and the flare associated with them, lends the whole thing a very cinematic feel. The dark inspires our imaginations and adds mood to any shot. I'm going to try to use these feelings to shoot a portrait at night on location.

            • 15:46
            • 18,000 円



            新入社員が身につけるべき姿勢やマナーについて、研修形式で詳しく紹介しています。 ①新入社員としての心構え ・働くことの意味 ・会社の役割 ・会社で新入社員が求められること ・新入社員が身につけること ②あいさつの基本 ・社会人としての基本姿勢、あいさつを身につける ③仕事の進め方 ・仕事を進める上で重要な「ホウレンソウ」とは? ・指示の受け方、報告の仕方 ④電話応対の基礎 ・かかってきた電話に対応する ・電話をかける時の注意 ⑤訪問応対、名刺交換の基本 ・名刺交換の方法 ・お客様への応対方法 ・訪問する際の注意 【付録】 インターネット、電子メールの利用について ・インターネットを利用する際の注意点 ・電子メールを利用する際の注意点

              • 1:24:10
              • 500 円

              3D, Tracking, and Stabilization


              This 10-part series has been designed to help anyone starting out in the world of After Effects. In this episode, we'll take a look at the built-in 3D capabilities of the application. We will learn how to create lights, cameras, and 3D layers. We'll also learn how to use Depth-of-Field and how to apply 3D-specific effects. And finally we'll explore Motion Tracking, Footage Stabilization, and 3D Camera Tracking. Enjoy...

                • 51:52
                • 17,000 円

                Make a Beautiful Bubbling Particle Reveal


                In this tutorial we will be creating a customizable particle reveal using Trapcode Particular. We will be using various instances of Particular in different ways both as Layer Emitters and as Luma Mattes - as well as setting up particles to inherit their color based on their layer emitter. Finally, once we set everything up, I'll show how you can easily swap out your base image and the effect will automatically update based on these new layers.

                  • 47:11
                  • 20,000 円

                  Creating a Skin-Tearing Illustration in Photoshop


                  In this tutorial, we will not only show how to create the effect in Photoshop, but we will also show how to light and shoot the photography, as well. In this part, we will explain how to extract the model from the background, remove his tattoos, as well as how to pull away his skin, and insert some mechanical objects underneath. Let's get started!

                    • 1:27:46
                    • 16,000 円

                    Romantic Wedding Album For Affter Effect


                    A wedding is a special occasion that deserves a unique, special design for your video production needs. This collection of After Effects Wedding for the soon-to-be bride and groom out there includes everything from wedding announcements, invitations, intros, and of course wedding albums, certain to capture all of your beautiful memories.

                      • 11:22
                      • 9,500 円